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... Fan Wallpaper Page 06
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Complete Listing (Long Download)
Submitted by: Mark Santiago

1280x1024 - 119k
1152x870 - 89k
1024x768 - 75k
832x624 - 56k
800x600 - 53k
640x480 - 38k
Submitted by: Mike Kennicutt

1024x768 - 199k
832x624 - 141k
800x600 - 131k
640x480 - 92k
Submitted by: Orion

1280x1024 - 140k
1152x870 - 112k
1024x768 - 93k
832x624 - 68k
800x600 - 64k
640x480 - 46k
Grey Pilgrim
Submitted by: Gavin Mackintosh

1024x768 - 236k
832x625 - 147k
800x600 - 135k
640x480 - 87k
Start of Filming

1280x1024 - 290k
1152x870 - 235k
1024x768 - 191k
832x625 - 132k
800x600 - 125k
640x480 - 83k
Submitted by: RC

1024x732 - 69k
832x624 - 50k
640x480 - 34k
Balrog Of Moria
Submitted by: Lucius

1200x1024 - 93k
1024x768 - 62k
832x624 - 45k
640x480 - 31k
The Cast
Submitted by: Adam Diggens

832x624 - 126k
640x480 - 75k
Mines of Moria
Submitted by: RC

1024x732 - 182k
832x624 - 127k
640x480 - 81k
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Complete Listing (Long Download)
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This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, and related properties mentioned herein are held by their respective owners and are used solely for promotional purposes of said properties. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2000 ™ .

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