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10 Scenes in Lord Of The Rings Stolen From Other Films
by Strider

10) Bilbo shows Frodo his secret cavern under Bag End that houses his Hobbitman costume and the Hobbitmobile.

9) Gandalf tells Frodo that he is a Terminator Maiar from the future who has come to protect him from the SauronNet corporation.

8) Frodo drag-races in Hobbiton against Bill Ferny to afford enough money to take the ferry over the BrandyWine.

7) During the battle between the men of Gondor and the men of Harad, Sam and Frodo are amazed too see the legendary Tyrannophaunt Rex burst out of the tress and proceed to eat a man hidden in a nearby hut.

6) While Gimli and Legolas are staying in Lórien, Legolas turns to Gimli and asks "Hey Gimli, you know what they call lembas in France?" Gimli responds, "No, what?" "Lembas royale." Gimli replies, "Dang that’s whacked man."

5) Gollum’s finger lights up as he guides Frodo and Sam through Mordor, asking them to, "Phone home, my precioussss."

4) Merry, insane by staring at Sauron through the palantír, mumbles something about being part of the Matrix.

3) When the Fellowship depart from Rivendell, and begin to sing "We’re off to see the Wizard, the evil old Wizard of Mordor!"

2) As the men of Gondor and Rohan go into battle against the legions of Sauron, Aragorn shouts, "You can take our Ring, but you can never take our freeeeeeeeeeedom."

1) At the very end of Return of the King, Frodo departs from the Grey Havens… moments later his ship is hit by an iceberg.

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