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The LotR Christmas Song
by Andelin

Lembas roasting on an open fire,
Ent-draught curling up your toes,
Hobbit carols being sung by a choir,
Aragorn smoking through his nose.
Everybody knows

That Legolas and Gimli too
Will always help you win a fight.
Tiny Hobbits with their cheeks all aglow
Will come along to set things right.
They know that Gandalf’s on his way.
He’s got a lot of evil orcs to put at bay,
And every Gondor child is going to spy
To see if Gollum really knows how to fly.

And so I’m offering this mixed up tale:
This tale that mentions Boromir’s horn.
Although it’s been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas here at TOR.N.

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