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The Way
by Steven Cavanagh

(Sung to "The Way" by Fastball)

In Elrond's abode,
they argued and doubted
They all had their important things to say
They had to take the ring up to the mountain
"I'll go", said Frodo, although I do not know the way.

In Moria's mines
they ran into trouble
A Balrog made them have a real bad day
then Gandalf's staff reduced the bridge to rubble
He fell down the span and the others they ran on their way

Anyone could see the road that they walk on is filled with orcs
Sauron, the Nazgûl and Sméagol, of course,
Saruman, Gríma—
a couple of dorks, I'd say.
Going where the shadows lie and the earth is bare
Very outnumbered, it's really not fair
Headed for Mordor, the mountain is there. Away! Away!

A good guy screwed up
and kind of betrayed them
and Boromir made Frodo run away
Some orcs came round, he charged right in and slayed them
but then Sam and Frodo took off, never knowing the way

Anyone could see the road that they walk on is filled with orcs
Sauron, the Nazgûl and Sméagol, of course,
Saruman, Gríma—
a couple of dorks, I'd say.
Going where the shadows lie and the earth is bare
Very outnumbered, it's really not fair
Headed for Mordor, the mountain is there. Away!

–Steven Cavanagh

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