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Sweet Home Minas Tirith
by Andelin

(Sung to "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Sung by Boromir.

River keep on flowing
Carry me home to see my kin
I’d like to take the One Ring with me.
Frodo’s going to destroy it and I think it’s a sin.

Well, I heard Old Gandalf recommend it
Well, I heard Elrond agree too.
Well, I hope Aragorn will remember
A Gondor man don’t need telling what to do.

Sweet home Minas Tirith
With your tower tall and white
Sweet home Minas Tirith.
Oh, I’m heading home tonight.

Lord Denethor, the people love him
But he’s done all that he can do.
To take the Ring to use in battle
Does my conscience bother me? No, that’s true.

Sweet home Minas Tirith
With your tower tall and white
Sweet home Minas Tirith.
Oh, I’m heading home tonight.

Now Frodo Baggins has the One Ring.
And I still know a thing or two.
If I convince him to come with me
I’ll win the war when I’m coming home, this the Ring can do.

Sweet home Minas Tirith
With your tower tall and white
Sweet home Minas Tirith.
Oh, I’m heading home tonight.

–Lanny Andelin

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