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Middle-earth Sky
by Andelin

(sung to "American Pie" by Don McLean)
Sung by Sam.

A long, long time ago
I can still remember how
Old Bilbo used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my way,
I’d go to see the Elves someday
And then I would be happy for a while.
But those Black Riders made me shiver
While we cross Bywater River
Nazgûl on the doorstep
I couldn’t take one more step.
I still remember how much fear
I felt inside when they drew near.
But something stirred down deep inside
When I saw Ringwraiths ride.

So bye, bye, to that good Shire sky.
Got a journey now before me
And I must say good-bye
To hobbit folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

Did you hear about the Ring
And the song we heard Frodo sing
In the inn down there in Bree?
Ah, do you believe that Strider foul
Is Gandalf’s friend? Look at his scowl.
And can he keep us safe and free?
Well I know that we read Gandalf’s note
And we’re up a creek without a boat.
And Frodo feels he’s fair,
Though I wonder why he’d care.
He was a lonely looking Ranger wild
With a broken sword, yet his voice was mild.
He saw us clear through marsh and wild
And still the Ringwraiths ride.

I started singing
bye, bye, to that good Shire sky.
Got a journey now before me
And I must say good-bye
To hobbit folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

Now we finally got to Rivendell
And Elrond helped Frodo get well.
Though he’s not quite how he used to be.
When old Bilbo sang Eärendil’s Lay
We all cheered with a loud ‘hooray’
For him we did not expect to see.
And while we all were staying there
With Gandalf and his big white hair
The council had a plan
And Frodo was the man (or hobbit)
Who had volunteered to take the Ring
And melt it down to destroy the thing
And end Sauron’s bid as a king.
And stop the Ringwraiths’ ride.

So bye, bye, to that good Shire sky.
Got a journey now before me
And I must say good-bye
To hobbit folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

Helter-Skelter in Moria’s shelter
The Balrog fell into a smelter.
8 miles down with Gandalf too.
At last we made our great escape
While Gollum snuck along with hate.
With the boats we got from the Elves we won’t be late.
Now the marshes air was rank perfume
While Gollum hummed a tuneless tune.
We made it to the Gate
And there in fear we’d wait.
Cause the forces there were way too great.
And we’d be served up on a plate.
But Gollum led with love and hate.
The day the Nazgûl flied. (flew) (whatever)

I started singing.
bye, bye, to that good Shire sky.
Got a journey now before me
And I must say good-bye
To hobbit folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

And then we were all in one place
As Gollum fought in Frodo’s face.
With no more chance to win again.
So come, on Frodo, don’t give in.
The Ring has got you, don’t let it win.
The Fire is poor Gollum’s tortured end.
And as I watched them fight it out.
My fists were clenched in fear and doubt.
No wizard good or fell,
Could break the Ring’s foul spell.
And as old Gollum won with one foul bite.
He laughed and danced and screamed with fright
The flames rose up into the night.
The day that Gollum died.

We were singing.
bye, bye, to that foul Mordor sky.
Got a journey now before me
And I must say good-bye
To orcish folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

We all rode back to the Shire land
And won much praise, oh, it was grand.
But Frodo felt he couldn’t stay.
We went out to the western shore
Where the elves had left at times before
And we met old Bilbo along the way
And in the group was Elrond there
And Galadriel of golden hair.
Not a word was spoken
My heart felt it was broken.
And the three men I admired most.
Bilbo, Gandalf, and Frodo in the host
They took the last boat from the coast.
The day the Third Age died.

And they were singing.
bye, bye, to that Middle-earth sky.
Take a trip aboard this ship
And now I must say good-bye
To mortal folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.
This won’t be the day that I die.

They were singing.
bye, bye, to that Middle-earth sky.
Take a trip aboard this ship
And now I must say good-bye
To mortal folk drinking whiskey and rye.
But this won’t be the day that I die.

–Lanny Andelin

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