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Lothlorien (from "Scarborough Fair")
by Kyriel
Are you going to Lothlorien
Mallorn, elanor, athelas
Remember me to its lovely Queen
She who must into the West pass
Tell her to make me a rope of hithlain
Mallorn, elanor, athelas
Softer than silk, but strong as a chain
Ere she does into the West pass
Tell her to give me a lock of her hair
Mallorn, elanor, athelas
For no sun is brighter, no gold as fair
Ere she does into the West pass
Tell her to give me a phial of pure light
Mallorn, elanor, athelas
When all hope is lost, to restore my sight
Ere she does into the West pass
Are you going to Lothlorien
Mallorn, elanor, athelas
Remember me to its lovely Queen
She who must into the West pass
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