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Frodo's Dream
by Old Took
The darkling figures stand and stare
Though I'm no longer even there.
The piercing unlight in their eyes
With me still forever lies.
An eerie chill slips down my spine
I feel the horror of the Nine.
My fingers knot, my muscles clench
I nearly faint at Nazgûl stench.
Their eyes are boring through my skull;
My world is faint, my senses dull.
They need not move, they draw me in;
Their silent voice as black as sin.
I only see the darkness fill
My vision, and my world is still.
The biting cold of Sauron's fear
Is ever present, ever near.
I see at once a dazzling light-
The figures hiss, retreat in fright.
I raise my lids, and blink and yawn,
To see the glow of coming dawn.
The pain won't go - it's cut too deep;
How I long for perfect sleep.
It's not my place to make a fuss,
It does no good to swear and cuss.
I raise my head, look round the room,
And sigh at the retreating gloom.
The shadow's gone, my task is done
Middle Earth once more can see the sun.
(c) Old Took 2000
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