My life in this world
Is now so very tiring
A tedious thing
-to bear this burden
In my own days Ive lived
With luck better than most
In the tales told
No regrets, none.
To see the day approaching near
Happy and sad -
My decision is made
I will go
- now to Elronds House
And I will bequeath... I will give up
The Ring that had a will.
My words and tales unfinished
Inside this book red,
I shall take it with me
To that place where fair friends dwell
-among the songs and tales ages gone and yet lives
Food for many and comfort for all
- and I shall rest
After so long a travail.
My best wishes to all that will keep it
My sympathies to all that belong to it
Dear Frodo, it is now yours.
-stout hobbit heart and good hobbit sense
Away from the render of evil
From my place among you I will leave
-with puff and smoke and lights
Courtesy of my wizarding friend.