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Submission Guidelines for Moon Letters/Fan Writing

Welcome to Moon Letters, the Fan Writing section of™! There are a few guidelines that the Green Books staff has drawn up to ensure maximum enjoyment for all.

Firstly, we ask that your submission have clear reference to Tolkien's "secondary reality." Anything set in Middle-earth, with Tolkien's Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, Men, and the myriad other interesting peoples Tolkien created will be great. If you're looking to come up with realities or creatures of your own, this probably isn't the place.

Secondly, due to the time required for our staff to read and contemplate each submission, pieces that are 2,000 words or less will be given more primary consideration. We suggest that if you have a longer piece that you are dying to see posted, send us a 'first installment,' and if it is accepted for posting, we will solicit the rest in a serial format.

Thirdly, please note that the staff of Green Books consists of English-speakers. While we enthusiastically encourage other languages, if you submit in a foreign tongue, we ask that you also submit an English translation. Please don't worry if the poetry doesn't translate well; we're looking for content.

Unfortunately, we cannot personally email each person who submits a selection. If your work does not appear within one to two weeks of submission, we regret that it was not selected for posting at™. Editors reserve the right to choose what pieces will be posted on the site, in view of our goal of bringing Tolkien-oriented original stories and poetry onto™.™ assumes no responsibility or rights to original pieces, copyrighted or not. We simply provide a selective display area for your work to be seen. All pieces will appear as submitted; any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are the authors'. All submissions or inquiries should be directed to


All submissions must be properly spell checked, proofread and edited. The Green Books staff will not correct spelling errors, grammatical errors, or make translations from Elvish or any earthly language. Likewise, any submission must be formatted with proper line breaks and paragraph breaks. If your submission is not checked for these things, it will be deleted without being read.

Important! Do not send your submission within the body of an email. Regardless of length, it must be prepared in a word processor or text editor and sent as an email attachment. All submissions must be in one of the following formats:

  1. Microsoft Word for Mac or PC, any software version [this is preferred]
  2. Rich Text Format
  3. WordPerfect for Windows, any software version
  4. Text Only with line breaks

The file must be attached to an email and sent to with "Fan Fiction" as the subject line.

Please indicate your name (as author) AS IT WILL APPEAR on the site. If you do not indicate the proper name, nick-name, or pseudonym you prefer, then your submission may eventually be posted with the word "Anonymous" or YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS as the signed author.

Your submission will not be considered if you fail to comply with these Guidelines.

Thank you!

The Green Books Staff

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This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, and related properties mentioned herein are held by their respective owners and are used solely for promotional purposes of said properties. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2000 ™ .

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